How to Organize Your Room

How to Organize Your Room

Overwhelmed with clutter in your bedroom? We know the feeling. With laundry, clothing, bedding, shoes and more all housed in the bedroom, it can get messy fast. Our guide makes bedroom organization simple, fun and inexpensive. Use these bedroom organization ideas and watch in amazement as your space transforms into the room of your dreams.

DIY shelves: Do you have baskets, crates or folder holders? These everyday items make great shelves for your bedroom. Simply fasten them to your wall for easy organization. You can use paint or fabric to add different colors and designs.

DIY under-the-bed storage: Take your shoe boxes, plastic bins and baskets and repurpose them as bedroom storage. Store items under the bed by labelling your repurposed boxes. Then, hide your storage by tucking a bed sheet under your mattress and letting it hang to the floor. It’s a pretty way to hide large boxes under your bed.

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